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Skilled Worker

Immigration to Canada under the Canadian skilled worker visa is one of the most popular ways for potential migrants to live and work in Canada and obtain instant permanent resident status. We offer a free assessment with our online skilled worker visa application for Canada and a free initial assessment of all your Canada immigration and work permit requirements.

Canadian Immigration as a skilled worker to Canada is an attractive option for most potential migrants who meet the basic requirements, as it is an independent points tested visa, which encourages migrants to apply even if you have not obtained a Canadian job offer or secured family sponsorship. The Skilled Worker Visa can lead to Canadian Citizenship after only three years of permanent stay in Canada. If you have a Canadian job offer you can include this in your Skilled Worker Visa application for immigration to Canada.

The Canadian Skilled Worker Visa allows migration to Canada as a Permanent Resident, without the need for an employer or sponsor, to seek employment and apply for jobs following the exact same process as a resident skilled worker. Canada is keen to have skilled workers and the Canada migration points system is designed to encourage Canadian immigration by skilled workers.

The Federal Skilled Worker Program is a points based system used to grant Permanent Resident status to applicants who are able to demonstrate an ability to become economically established in Canada. The point system is composed of six (6) factors; age, education, work experience, language ability and adaptability. in which an applicant needs to score at least 67 points out of 100 in order to be eligible.


Education: At least 17 years of formal education and with one Master level degree can get up-to 25 points. Points will be awarded based on the assessment of Canadian educational assessment body.

25 Points


Official Languages: Applicants are awarded up to 28 points. Points for first language will be 24. CLB 7 and above is required for English Proficiency. The applicant is awarded maximum of 24 points according to the fluency in English or French. A person with less language ability will receive points depending on their level of understanding about either of the language.

28 Points


Experience: Applicants are awarded up to 15 (6+ years) points. Person with minimum 4 years of experience is classified under 'O', 'A' or 'B' level category and can maximum get up-to 21 points. Also, the regulation of Federal Government of at least one year continuous full time work should be taken into consideration while applying.

15 Points


Arranged Employment: Applicants are awarded up to 10 points. A person who has received a confirmation of arranged employment from any Canadian company can receive up-to 10 points for that.

10 Points


Age: Applicants are awarded up to 12 (18-35 years) points. An individual can get a maximum of 10 points if he is in between 19-49 years of age. Any applicant who is outside this age bracket loses 2 points for each year.

12 Points


Adaptability: Applicants are awarded up to 10 points. Spouse Education points are replaced with English proficiency points. She/he will need IELTS (S=4, R=3.5, L=4.5, W=4) to score 5 points. This is equivalent to CLB 4 and could change once the point's grid system is approved and implemented.

10 Points


100 Points


67 Points

Our Misson

"To provide an efficient and secure immigration service throughout the management and enforcement of the appropriate legislations in order to encourage economic growth”

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Unit #25 , 328 Passmore Ave,
Scarborough , ON MIV 5J5,Canada
Call : +647.297.7505

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Tiruchengode ,Namakkal,TN,India
Call : +91-968 844 8293

E-Mail id : info@gtais.ca,visa@gtais.ca

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